5 Beginner Tips for Keyboard Players | Online Keyboard Tutorial | Keyboard #1 | SIFF Young Artiste

If you’re a beginner excellent, these tips are going to be incredibly useful for you if you’re not don’t leave
I use some of these tips five-six years after I started playing and they improve my playing exponentially

What are we waiting for let’s get right into it so much of any physical skill depends on posture even learning the keyboard so the first super important super easy to remember tip that I have for you it’s just about how you sit when you’re sitting at your keyboard and your arms are resting, make sure that your elbows line up with where the keys are this level should be about the same or just a little bit higher your elbows being higher not your keys this gives you the perfect control of your arms are relaxed you have full control over your fingers your wrists and your forearms.

If I was sitting too high up and my elbows were too high I would lose a lot of control because I have to stiffen my elbows and my forearms to keep my hands in place the same thing occurs when I make my keyboard too high.

So I look like a dinosaur my elbows are too low these are stiff my forearms are stiff my wrists are stiff and I lose a lot of control when I play so in order to play with full control full expression and emotion make sure that you’re sitting the right way with your elbows in line with your keys.

Speaking of posture let’s move on to tip two: Your keyboard has 61 keys some keys are more important than others ones now most people enjoy hearing MelodiesIn around this range of your keyboard when we’re playing though we need to be able to reach all of them the best place to sit for this is with your nose in line with middle C the C in the middle of the keyboard to find C find the white key to the left of two black ones you’ll find a lot of C’s on the keyboard find the one in the middle sit with your nose facing that now in order to reach notes on the far right or the far left don’t shift your body lean and sit lean to the right lean to the left to reach those far off notes

Once you’re sitting in the perfect posture at the perfect center of the keyboard let’s take a look at the actual layout of our keyboard this one might be quite intuitive but it really really helps if I sing a note la I can find that note on my keyboard I can play the exact same one and when I sing other notes there’s a relative pitch between them so la la la. I keep going higher in Pitch by using my vocal cords on the keyboard it’s a little different to go to higher pitches I need to find notes to the right of the original note that I sang so when I sing again see me go to the right to find those notes.

If I needed to find pitches of lower notes I would have to go to the left of my keyboard so la la la la la to the left
this one tip is really really important everything to the right side is higher pitched everything to the left side of your keyboard is lower pitched even when you’re reading music notation some notes are drawn higher up than other notes on the page that means relative to those notes the higher ones are to the right side and the lower ones are to the left side so if I have two nodes f and c you can see that c is actually higher up on the page which is why I’ve gone to the right of my keyboard to find those notes f and see firstly that looks really ugly secondly I don’t even know how loud or soft I’m going to play those notes I have no control over my fingers over the expression and flow of my music and thirdly I can’t move quickly and accurately to play the notes that I want to play. Don’t play with your hands flat on the keyboard go over your hands and make sure that you’re using the tips of your fingers to play the notes that you need to just like this place your hands on the keyboard, curve them, and play with the tips also remember to extend your fingers instead of pressing one finger and lifting the rest of your hand don’t play like this foreign keep all your fingers resting on the keys and extend your fingers to play like this beautifully controlled accurate and most importantly comfortable.

My final and most important tip is to relax keep your arms shoulders forearms wrists fingers relaxed and ready to play you won’t be able to get any expression out of your music if you are not fully engaged in yourself everybody makes mistakes don’t let them get to you relax and enjoy your performance so that other people can enjoy listening to you play as well, basically make sure you’re sitting at a comfortable height you’re in the center of the keyboard most importantly you relax, anyone can hit the right buttons and make a song you want to control how you hit those buttons and express that music and make it your performance.

LEARN 5 Beginner Tips for Keyboard players! from the video below

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